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Join Bright Side, our employee comms conference! Use code "Workshop250" for 50% off your ticket icon

Let’s create more
happy Mondays

We believe in any organization’s ability to be a great place to work, and strive to support the individuals and teams who are working consistently every day to create positive, engaged, and well-connected company cultures.

Our story

We believe that internal communication is the most vital part of a company’s culture, but scaling it is really difficult. We have seen this in organizations of all shapes and sizes, and are determined to fix it. After all, getting this right can have huge upsides, from boosting your bottom line to improving your employees’ well-being!

When we looked around, we found it incredibly difficult to find a truly dedicated and modern software solution for internal communications. There were a lot of tools that offered pieces of the puzzle (distribution lists here, simple analytics there), but nothing that was created to help communicators holistically deliver a better experience, strategy, and workflow. So we’ve spent the last three years building our own platform, with a focus on the one channel that’s always been at the center of every single comms strategy: email.

Today, we're proud to power employee communications at over 150+ of the best brands and most prestigious organizations in the world. And we're just getting started!

Welcome to Workshop!

Our values

Our values shape how we approach our daily work,
how we interact with our teammates and customers, and how we define success.


We look on
the bright side.

We’re a team of optimists: we accept the truth of reality, but always look forward and hope for a brighter future.


We take action.

We care intensely about reaching our goals, and make sure our teams have the agency and autonomy to do what it takes to pursue them.


We listen
to learn.

Great communication starts with active listening, not just talking! We consistently ask our customers and our coworkers for their feedback, and intently listen for (and act on) opportunities to better meet their needs


We create great

Every moment is a new opportunity to exceed expectations and bring joy to ourselves, our team, and ultimately, our customers.


We communicate
with intent.

We aim to make all of our communications relatable, honest, clear, and concise. Not only do we think about what we’re going to say, but we think about how we’re going to say it.

Join the team

We’re building an internal communication platform designed to keep your teams informed, connected, and engaged.


Join the Happy Monday Club!

Start your week inspired and energized with our practical newsletter about positive company culture! It features actionable articles and little surprises, sent every Monday morning.

Happy Monday Club