Company: Argano
Industry: Consulting
Employees: 2,000
HQ: Plano, TX
Workshop user since: 2023
Favorite feature: Distribution lists
Mackenzie, tell us about yourself, Argano, and the internal comms team!
My name is Mackenzie Bordelon and I’m a communication specialist on the internal Communications and Culture Team at Argano, a digital consultancy focused on design and delivery of high-performance operations. Led by Chief Culture Officer, Jennifer Hughes, our team manages all internal communications efforts across Argano. As part of my role, I oversee our employee intranet, company swag store, internal employee rewards and recognitions platform, and act as a Workshop admin.
Our team manages a robust communication platform, provides change and communication support across the company, facilitates reward and recognition, and supports team member connection and engagement. We pride ourselves on living our ethos and values and adapting to the ever-evolving needs of our global community.
What internal comms strategies and goals are you working on?
Our communication strategy aims to deliver effective and timely information to our people, meeting them where they’re at. To do so, we leverage multiple channels to consume content, facilitate feedback, and enable data-driven actions. The goal is to ensure our people have meaningful and enjoyable experiences during their time at Argano where they feel heard, valued, and a sense of belonging. All that starts with communication!
How were you sending emails before Workshop?
Before discovering Workshop, we lacked the ability to connect our internal dynamic distribution lists, so messages were distributed directly from our internal email system, which limited insights into metrics. We took the leap to Workshop to better support our communications strategy and gather real-time metrics.
Tell us about getting started with Workshop.
Jennifer Hughes discovered Workshop through the Happy Monday newsletter. After sharing her passion for this tool, our team immediately contacted the Workshop team to initiate further explore the solution. Once we decided to move forward, the integration took less than one month, and we sent our very first email (with lots of help from the Workshop team) within two weeks!
What was the first email you sent?
We chose a small internal test group comprised of people in different roles, business units, and backgrounds to provide feedback on a test email. The email was very generic and included a few of Workshop’s basic features such as merge tags, buttons, and images. We asked the team to review the email and provide feedback to various questions, including “How does it appear in your inbox? What is your opinion on the overall look and feel? Are you more inclined to read an email that is visually appealing?”
We received rave reviews from the test group with responses from “This looks great – love the buttons, GIFs, and customization elements,” to “I really liked the personal touch of my name within the email and all of the links at the bottom are a game changer.” After gathering this feedback, we knew we were on the right track with Workshop.
What kinds of emails are you sending with Workshop today?
We send the majority of our internal emails with Workshop. From our monthly newsletter and HR updates to video updates from our CEO, Workshop is our go-to platform.
Do you integrate Workshop with any other tools at Argano?
Yes, we send our monthly newsletter to SharePoint, which is where our intranet lives. This allows our people to easily find the newsletter and consume the content where they feel most comfortable and connected.
How are you using your internal email analytics?
From open rates, unique views, and even number of clicks, we are able to accurately gather data that guides our communications strategy. Even our senior leadership team was amazed at the reporting features of this tool!
What about any other Workshop features?
Pulse surveys have been a huge hit in terms of gathering feedback. While we use multiple tools to listen to our people’s needs, including a 24/7 anonymous virtual suggestion box, the star rating pulse survey in Workshop has allowed our people to consume information AND provide feedback all in one place!
Any words about Workshop customer support?
The customer support is truly unmatched. Everyone at Workshop is always willing to jump in quickly, provide support or assistance, and look for ways to improve our experience. We truly feel that the Workshop team wants to see us succeed and find ways to support our goals. This really sets them apart.