Quickly build beautiful emails & multi-channel campaigns with our easy-to-use design tools and templates.
Internal communication is critical, but it shouldn’t create headaches for IT. Workshop gives your team the tools to manage secure, reliable communications while empowering everyone else to get their jobs done.
Most IT teams can fully implement Workshop in three hours or less, thanks to our stellar support team and an incredibly easy set-up process.
Whether your team has 500 or 50,000 employees, Workshop is built to handle it.
Manage users, permissions, distribution lists, and integrations all from Workshop.
Ensure mission-critical emails and text messages land exactly where they need to be—no delays, no errors.
Connect Workshop to Active Directory, SSO, data visualization tools, and so much more.
Fortune 100 companies trust Workshop and stay compliant with SOC 2, GDPR, and other key standards.
We sync with Active Directory, HRIS, or payroll systems, so teams can create their own (accurate!) distribution lists.
With permissions, you have granular control of what Workshop users can do within the platform and who they can send to and from.
This quick walkthrough will take you through our platform's drag-and-drop templates, automatic list management features, and detailed analytics!
Start your week inspired and energized with our practical newsletter about positive company culture! It features actionable articles and little surprises, sent every Monday morning.
Get a live demo & your questions answered with one of our product experts.
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