Employee Emergency Text Message Template
This employee emergency text message template will help you consider all the audiences, information, and messages that you might need to send via SMS during a workplace crisis situation. Text messages are uniquely powerful during a crisis because they are fast, easy to send, and will be received by almost any audience. Use this emergency text message template to be ready for fire, inclement weather, violence, IT failure, facilities problems, PR disasters, and more.

How to use this employee emergency text message template
Download this template to begin the process of preparing your employee emergency text message system for use. The template will walk you through the basics of what to consider when writing text messages for a crisis situation, including what information to gather beforehand, how to think about your audiences and what information they’ll need, and what to include in each message. Download the template and follow the checklist, and you’ll create messages ready for customization in your company. Preparation will save you stress, time, and complications when a real emergency arises.
What you'll find in this employee emergency text message template
This template is available as a Google Doc. Make a copy for yourself and start to customize with your information. As you gather your resources and write your messages, be sure to get feedback from the departments you’ll be communicating with, and then share everything in an easy-to-access and easy-to-update location.
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Employee emergency text message template
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